Folder From outside Belgium - Grant Type 1

GRANT TYPE 1 - Training in taxonomy & access to collections in Belgium


Since 2004, the RBINS has offered individual short-term trainings in Belgium for researchers/students from Belgian cooperation partner countries.

These trainings enable access to the rich collections hosted at Belgian institutions (the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Africa Museum and Meise Botanical garden) and to Belgian expertise.

Eligible projects

Taxonomic research related to the following subjects will be favoured: agriculture, fisheries, pollution mitigation, pollination, food, health and forest management.

If you are able to answer “yes” to the following questions, you are eligible to receive financial support from us:

  • Does your project address clear taxonomic components?
  • Does your project address priority taxonomic key gaps of your country or region?
  • Does your project aim at building taxonomic expertise in your country or region?
  • Is your work aiming at achieving both the Aichi targets (established within the CBD towards 2020) and the Sustainable Development Goals ?
  • Are you a citizen of Benin* - Burkina Faso* - Burundi* – Cambodia - Cote d'Ivoire - DR Congo* - Ghana - Guinea* - Guinea Bissau - Kenya –  Mali* - Morocco* - Niger* - Palestinian Territory* - Rwanda* - Tanzania* - Togo - Uganda* - Vietnam. Priority is given to projects taking place in countries belonging to priority partner countries of the Belgian governmental cooperation (with an asterisk in the above list).
  • Are there collections of your taxa hosted in a Belgian scientific institution?
  • Is there a Belgian expert of your taxa in a Belgian scientific institution?
  • Are you younger than 40?
  • Do you hold - at least - a Bachelor degree?
  • Are you currently affiliated to a university or an official research institution in an eligible country (as a student, research staff, lecturer,…)?

Priority will be given to applicants coming from scientific institutions with which the Belgian GTI NFP has a privileged relationship.

These institutions are :

  • Université d’Abomey-Calavi (Bénin)
  • Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et de l’Océan au Bénin
  • Office Burundais pour la Protection de la Nature (Burundi)
  • Centre de Surveillance de de la Biodiversité (RD Congo)
  • Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (RD Congo) with implementation of activities by Congolese Scientific Institutions.

It is very important that applicants clearly state in their project proposal:

  • How they plan to use their projects to advance research in their field;
  • How they will disseminate their results (poster, publication, diploma, oral communication, etc…);
  • How their project will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and/or ecosystem services in the partner country;
  • How their project could (in a long or medium term) contribute to fighting against poverty in the South;
  • How their project will help achieving both the Aichi targets (established within the CBD towards 2020) and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Application by women are highly encouraged.

Only pure taxonomic projects (e.g. elaboration of checklists, taxonomic revisions, …) or biodiversity assessment projects with a strong taxonomic component (e.g. inventory and monitoring of biodiversity,…) for which the grant seeker needs training or access to Belgium-based collections, expertise or infrastructure, will be considered.

Only project on extant taxa will be considered, with priority for zoological taxa.


You must enter your project proposal via our online form (only when calls are open).

Project application forms must be complemented with an up to date curriculum vitae, a digital passport photo and a proof of University enrolment or laboratory membership.

All candidates will receive acknowledgment of receipt when the Belgian GTI NFP receives their application form.

If you have problems to fill out the application form, please read our tips in the FAQ section.

Applications are possible only when the call is open. 

Projects execution

Selected projects will be executed before the end of February 2021 (to be confirmed).

The Belgian GTI NFP will, via email, agree with the selected candidate and its Belgian tutor on the period of his/her visit and other practical modalities of the foreseen study visit.

Study visits funded by the GTI NFP can last maximum 4 weeks. However, longer periods are possible if the candidate can find complementary funding and provide proof of this funding to the GTI NFP long before the planning of the visit.

Additional information

Answers to the most common questions can be found in the FAQ section.

If you would still have an unanswered question, you can contact the Belgian GTI National Focal Point:

Belgian National Focal Point to the Global Taxonomy Initiative
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29
B-1000 Brussels


URL 2020 external call