For students and researchers from a developing country |
Which countries are eligible? (new list from 2016) |
Benin* - Burkina Faso* - Burundi* - Cambodia - Cote d'Ivoire - DR Congo* - Ghana - Guinea* - Guinea Bissau - Kenya - Mali* - Morocco* - Niger* - Palestinian Territory* - Rwanda* - Tanzania* - Togo - Uganda* - Vietnam. Priority will be given to projects taking place in countries belonging to the priority partner countries of the Belgian governmental cooperation (with an asterisk in the above list). |
I am from a developing country, but my country does not figure in your list of eligible countries. May I still apply? |
No, we can only support students and institutions from eligible partner countries.
What is the average duration of a study visit to Belgium? |
Four weeks, but occasionally this can be raised up to 12 weeks if the candidate brings complementary funding. |
Will the Belgian GTI assist me with my visa application and other administration? |
Yes, we utilise a standardised procedure that facilitates the acquisition of a visa for Belgium. We will notify you on this procedure in due time. |
What are the chances of receiving a grant? |
A large number of worthwhile individuals and institutions approach the Belgian GTI for support. The process is highly competitive. Even if a project fits within our guidelines, it will not necessarily be funded. |
Does this type of grant also cover research equipment? |
No, this grant does not foresee funding for equipment. |
Does this grant cover operational costs? |
Yes, the tutoring lab receives a bench fee for operational costs.
Does this grant cover publication costs? |
No, but GTI alumni can contact the Belgian GTI office, where each demand will be investigated for eventual reorientation. |
Can I use this grant to get funding to go to conferences or other scientific meetings? |
No, but GTI alumni can contact the Belgian GTI office, where each demand will be investigated for eventual reorientation.
Can I use this grant to fund collection of biological material on the field in my country or elsewhere? |
No, the grant covers only expanses to travel to Belgium and during your training in Belgium. GTI alumni can contact the Belgian GTI office, where demands will be investigated for eventual reorientation. |
My project has been rejected, can I re-apply for the next call? |
Yes, but you should take into account the reasons of rejection (e.g. if you have been notified that there's no Belgium-based expertise for your taxon of interest, there's little chance that a re-application will be successful). |
Can I re-apply when I was already granted a project? |
Yes, but you can enter only one project per call. |
When can I apply? |
You can only apply if a call for proposals is open. |
I have problems to fill out the application form. What should I do? |
It is strongly recommended to use Mozilla firefox as your web-browser on the GTI call website. You should empty your cache memory before starting filling out the application form. |
How must I proceed when I first use the application form? |
Click on the Register box, fill out the 3 fields (E-mail address and password twice). Click on the Register button. You will automatically be redirected to the application form. You can fill it in, do not forget to add your C.V. and a "passport" photo when demanded. |
How to proceed when I already have registered and I want to complete my application form? |
You just have to click on the login box. A new page will open, enter your e-mail and password and click on login. |
Does age of the applicant matter? |
Junior researchers are preferred although senior staff is not excluded (but maximum age is set to 40). |
Will this grant allow me to travel to non-Belgian Institutions? |
No, but on exceptional occasions exceptions can be made.
Will this grant allow me to work even when there's no expertise and resources in Belgium? |
No, this grant valorises Belgium-based expertise. Experts needing only access to Belgian-based collections (or non Belgian collections on loan in Belgium) can apply. |
How do I know what expertise is available in Belgium? |
http://biobel.biodiversity.be/ provides the needed information on Belgium based expertise and resources. |
Is paleontological work also possible? |
No, only extant taxa are considered. |
For RBINS based promoters |
I which countries can projects be carried out? |
Benin* - Burkina Faso* - Burundi* - Cabo Verde – Cambodia - Cote d'Ivoire - DR Congo* - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea* - Guinea Bissau - Kenya – Laos - Liberia - Mali* - Morocco* - Mozambique* - Niger* - Nigeria - Palestinian Territory* - Rwanda* - Senegal* - Sierra Leone - Tanzania* - Thailand - Togo - Uganda* - Vietnam. Priority will be given to projects taking place in countries belonging to the 14 priority partner countries of governmental cooperation (with an asterisk in the above list). |
How does the Belgian GTI operate for this type of grant? |
The Belgian GTI asks promoters of accepted projects to enter in a Memorandum of Understanding. |
Do I have to report progress to the Belgian GTI? |
In principle the Belgian GTI office requests only a final report at the end of the project. However, we appreciate receiving newson progress on an informal basis. |
When do I have to deliver my report? |
Reports must reach the Belgian GTI office one month after the mission's return. |
I want to submit a project that will take longer then one year to complete. Will it be considered eligible for this type of grant? |
No, projects have to be finished at the end of the year.
I do not foresee training in my project because I intend to work with professional taxonomists only. Will my project be considered eligible? |
No, all projects must include human capacity building. |
I have lost original receipts of expenses made. Can I still enter these into the project? |
No, just as with the normal accountancy procedure of the RBINS, you cannot. |
I want to invite researchers from non-developing countries for a study visit. Can I enter this in the project? |
No, you cannot. |