Abstract (as taken from original proposal)

The researches on Hystrignathidae (Oxyurida: Thelastomatoidea) from passalid beetles are recent in Cuba, with 16 species described. They are known from a few localities and the hystrignathid fauna from the most of the Cuban ecosystems remains still unknown. With this project we want to realize the taxonomical revision of the family in Cuba and to increase the material of the group in Cuban and foreign collections. As part of the revision we expect to amend the status and diagnosis of some species, to re-describe them and to describe the new taxa found. In this sense we need to perfect the techniques to processing and mounting nematodes. We need to access to type material deposited in foreign collections (that could be borrowed to a Belgian institution) for comparison. This is due to the inaccurately descriptions and drawings of several South American species that resembles Cuban species still unidentified.


Training location: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

Sampling on the field.

Specimens of Passalid beetles harvested in order to get their parasites for the study.

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